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DidDunMegasploded t1_iubjatx wrote

Is it? Because that attempt sucked more than anything that has ever sucked before.

Sarcasm is hard to determine from text. That is why tone indicators are a thing. Furthermore, as already stated, it's a dumb comment whether sarcastic or not. If you insert politics into an innocuous conversation that has nothing to do with it, then you are a sad person and I will judge you harshly and accordingly.

Smart people don't do that. Even though we're near Election Day, smart people do not do that. Ever.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubjkvg wrote

Reddit’s broken my brain; I interpreted your first paragraph as not sarcasm and started formulating a response, and it took me 10 seconds to realize

Think imma put the phone down for the night


DidDunMegasploded t1_iubvquh wrote

Maybe you should, because I'm not being sarcastic at all in my overall comment. You don't have to have a broken brain to look at a post or comment and not see a tone indicator.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubwfoi wrote

>nothing has ever sucked more than this poor attempt at a Reddit comment

That was either sarcasm, or you’ve lived an extremely privileged and sheltered life and aren’t one to be calling anyone’s intelligence into question.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iubxxgk wrote

Ahaha...aaaaah...ha, no, it's not sarcasm. Why don't you Google "tone indicators" and then get back to me.

If I, an autistic person, can distinguish what is sarcasm and what is not and you, a neurotypical person, cannot, then someone needs to step back and really assess the situation here. And it's not me.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubykhx wrote

Alright, now I know you’re an asshole. I’m autistic too. I would have hoped you’d know better than to just assume someone’s brain chemistry after spending any significant period of time as an autistic person on the internet, but I guess not. Whatever your last response is gonna be is none of my business; you’ve been my only waste of time in this whole thread.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iuc3fag wrote

Okay then. You can keep supporting the art of politics being shoved into irrelevant conversations and keep being blissfully unaware of the art of tone indicators. I'm happy to leave this pseudo-argument armed with a lot more knowledge of both arts.

And there's no rule of the Internet that states "assume everyone is autistic unless stated otherwise", either.

An autistic person who doesn't know about tone indicators...I'll have to mark that on my list of "Things I Thought I'd Never See". Adieu.