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sheeponabowl t1_iuba42c wrote

I can’t comment on yesterday because I didn’t see it so I’ll give you that one. But this one was just out of place and unnecessary.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubaj2o wrote

After I made my reply calling it out, the comment jumped from -10 to -1, so I’m gonna try to do it every time I see it from now on.


sheeponabowl t1_iubal96 wrote

That’s fair.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubgsl6 wrote

Also, just as an addendum to something I said earlier: I didn’t remember the context of the downvoted sarcasm I saw yesterday tbh, so I checked just to get my facts straight, and it was actually a very political comment on a very political post. I still think it was glaringly obvious, though.


sheeponabowl t1_iubi5y5 wrote

Oh just kidding. That one has an upvote from me because it made me chuckle.