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sheeponabowl t1_iub84tn wrote

It’s not that we don’t understand sarcasm, it’s that we think comments like this one are stupid. Don’t bring politics into something where politics isn’t brought up. It’s that simple.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iub9uja wrote

Alright, well, the one yesterday wasn’t political, and it’s not like it’s an uncommon occurrence. Forgive the immediate assumption. I’m pretty sick of seeing it happen here.


sheeponabowl t1_iuba42c wrote

I can’t comment on yesterday because I didn’t see it so I’ll give you that one. But this one was just out of place and unnecessary.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubaj2o wrote

After I made my reply calling it out, the comment jumped from -10 to -1, so I’m gonna try to do it every time I see it from now on.


sheeponabowl t1_iubal96 wrote

That’s fair.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubgsl6 wrote

Also, just as an addendum to something I said earlier: I didn’t remember the context of the downvoted sarcasm I saw yesterday tbh, so I checked just to get my facts straight, and it was actually a very political comment on a very political post. I still think it was glaringly obvious, though.


sheeponabowl t1_iubi5y5 wrote

Oh just kidding. That one has an upvote from me because it made me chuckle.


scorpiogre t1_iubg1ah wrote

Don't know if this helps, but this /s indicates sarcasm on reddit, so if you said something sarcastic just throw that at the end and people know its a joke.....usually


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubg3jg wrote



scorpiogre t1_iubh6ry wrote

Well ok then.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubhct2 wrote

Sorry, but I’m of the opinion that sarcasm stops being funny when you have to explain that it’s sarcasm. I’ve largely stopped using it on this site because Reddit now immediately assumes you’re being sincere without the /s, even if you’re as obvious as you possibly can be.


scorpiogre t1_iubiz5w wrote

People are a funny bunch. Ya gotta remember that it's text people are reading and they interpret stuff from their point of view. The /s is just a way to help.

That's just like my opinion dude.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iubj7ns wrote

I get it. But I won’t be caught dead using it, and I don’t like seeing people punished for not using it.