Submitted by ghT4uS68O0ogg3Y t3_11lxvgw in Maine

PM me if interested. The worms are healthy and happy. The bin is too full of castings because I don't use enough so you will get a pretty decent harvest right away - which is why I'm looking for a home for them. I can meet you anywhere from NH border to the maine mall

The bin stays indoors all year. There is no smell or bugs. Just feed these guys fruit or veggie scraps + shredded paper and they poop out rich soil full of micronutrients. There is really nothing else you need to do - extremely low maintenance

If you are interested and not sure what this is then google vermiculture or check out r/vermiculture




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Shilo788 t1_jbg6piq wrote

Man that is a good find for the right person close enough.


wood-and-wine t1_jbj0zdf wrote

Yes please! I’m in Eliot, ME and would be very grateful for the worms. We are starting a community garden this year in York county.