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feina635 t1_jdes7hr wrote

Welcome to discussion. CMP is fucking everyone. They are the Ticketmaster of (Maine) electric. Everyone knows what’s going on but there’s little that can be done without major bureaucratic intervention


4low4low4low4low t1_jdfikrq wrote

Janet mills is in their pocket…


sacredblasphemies t1_jdgtqr7 wrote

Unfortunately, so were the alternatives to Mills.

Mills was the best of shitty options. Which should be the Democratic Party's motto.


ptmtp26 t1_jdfo20u wrote

You said the quiet part out loud……


West_Ad_8279 t1_jdfj75e wrote

Shhhh. Reddit users love the democrat side of politics


4low4low4low4low t1_jdfjskx wrote

I prefer Janet mills to lepage but Janet is an obvious shill for versant and CMP and I don’t like the nepotism in her administration..


KaiRayPel t1_jdh52w6 wrote

As a woman, I love mills. As a mainer I'm shakes angry fist

But lepage would have been shitty all around.


Darcola123 t1_jdhf1u8 wrote

Mills vs LePage wasn't about democrats or Republicans.

It was someone who is an all around let down vs someone who is a complete idiot and a raging asshole who continuously cut essential programs.

LePage also took money from donors and gave special attention to them.

We went with the letdown and anyone who voted only because of the R or the D next to their name probably never learned to breathe through their nose.


207Simone t1_jdg9iy2 wrote

You better preach for the people in the back!


izzygreene207 t1_jdhttvd wrote

I don't feel fucked by CMP, I feel fucked from the supply companies like NextEra and Electricity Maine. The PUC has approved rate increase, after rate increase over the last year totaling over 120%! Why would we take on a multibillion dollar debt when the seizure would still leave us vulnerable to the companies who are responsible for over 60% of our bill and unapologetically jacking our rates left and right?