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UNH-Center-for-SPiP OP t1_jebs2nh wrote

EDIT: Thanks to a great response, recruitment is paused, but you are welcome to message us if you want to be included on a wait list.


Mikhos t1_jec0s0u wrote

Wonder how that person who wanted to move to northern maine but also be close to a laser skin care clinic turned out.


DirigoBlu t1_jeciqes wrote

I was mostly just being flip, but now I'm interested in this mystery. Maybe they're excluding any counties that have decent sized towns on south and midcoast (i.e. the most common landing spots for Maine immigrants)?


Fenidreams t1_jecv5gf wrote

This is realtor clickbate or something. I don’t like it


oar2386 t1_jecw9us wrote

They moved to stop getting stupid surveys


FoxyRin420 t1_jedbkgf wrote

Let’s be real a lot of people moved here bc they can work remotely and it’s better then the cities where you can’t afford to live


Rum__ t1_jee3k0o wrote

Did you move to a county where wearing a mask and following cdc guidelines during the pandemic was deplorable to those around you? Give us a call! (Grew up in Oxford county)


EllieVader t1_jee5y8g wrote

Goddamnit this keeps happening to me where I reply to someone and they delete their comment.

They said something like “this whole thing is stupid and you should fire your intern you didn’t even use a picture of Maine that’s NH and I’m very smart”

The picture looks uncannily like the foreground of Franconia Notch viewed from Artists Bluff. Except Mt Lafayette is missing in the back. And you can’t see distant water from there. And the road isn’t along the shore of this weird-shaped Echo Lake. And the ski trails at Cannon are somehow missing. I can totally see where someone might get confused.

The profile of the land also looks more vaguely like Crawford Notch viewed from Mt Willard, except it’s absolutely not.

I was genuinely curious where this person thought the picture was taken.

I’ll have to go check it out on MDI! I’ve never really been to the island. Been all around it, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually set foot on the island.


historywhiz63 t1_jeebhvu wrote

As someone born and bred in THE County I can guarantee you that they should’ve only said northern Penobscot and Piscataquis counties and Aroostook County as northern Maine 🤣


mountainbrussells t1_jeecxi7 wrote

Outside of the “What is northern Maine” argument I’m super interested in this study. I no longer live in Maine but do live in a rural area that saw a huge Covid migration and would live more insight.


FoxyRin420 t1_jeeece2 wrote

My husband actually moved up here to be with me- he makes good money- we are within 45 minutes of the Lewiston auburn area - about 45 minutes to the Portland area - so it’s close enough to amenities- and we live in a priority area on the grid so we don’t go down for more then 5-10 minutes. We have spectrum and his work provided him a back up hotspot just incase something happens. He makes over 100k a year- but we wouldn’t of bought our house in the area we did if the options were shitty dsl or starlink. Having grown up here I was able to find a home for us that made sure we could access stuff & he could have good enough internet-


Ok_Tale_933 t1_jeehbph wrote

Why so interested university of New Hampshire?


FoxyRin420 t1_jef1hax wrote

It really is- heck when more then half the state lost power for like 14-20 hours earlier this winter we had almost every surrounding street down with no power but we are on a priority grid so we were up quick. I think there’s places on this list in these counties that offer what people need- and we purposely made sure we had quick electric access and cable internet availability- honestly we would have paid to have a pole installed for it if nothing was an option- I had a friend who lives 5 miles away lose power for 3 days and didn’t have internet for 5 bc she lives on a backroad - it really is relative.


Definitelynotcal1gul t1_jefc2qj wrote

It's really awesome. Tons of little hikes and sights to see. It's got something for everyone. The Bubbles hike is sweet. Totally doable for pretty much anyone and well worth the few hundred feet of elevation gain for the effort.

I found another Reddit post with the view from the Bubbles here. It's surely the same.

There's no way it's from NH. There's no mountain with an ocean view like this in the state. Not even a similar lake view that I can think of.


20thMaine t1_jefl27f wrote

It’s the most rural counties, most of which are also the northernmost or more northern than the more populated ones…

The population of all of those counties is less than a third of the overall state population.

460K out of 1.37mil (2020 and 2021 numbers)