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BuddyBear17 t1_jeedvqg wrote

No one's going to work remotely on shitty DSL or unreliable starlink, which is all you get on large swaths of rural Maine. Remote workers with $$ want access to actual amenities.


curtludwig t1_jeemzt2 wrote

In Caribou we have 100Mb/s cable modem service. I WFH full time...


FoxyRin420 t1_jeeece2 wrote

My husband actually moved up here to be with me- he makes good money- we are within 45 minutes of the Lewiston auburn area - about 45 minutes to the Portland area - so it’s close enough to amenities- and we live in a priority area on the grid so we don’t go down for more then 5-10 minutes. We have spectrum and his work provided him a back up hotspot just incase something happens. He makes over 100k a year- but we wouldn’t of bought our house in the area we did if the options were shitty dsl or starlink. Having grown up here I was able to find a home for us that made sure we could access stuff & he could have good enough internet-


thesilversverker t1_jef0kit wrote

You're also in southern maine, where it's not really rural. Not for maine at least.


FoxyRin420 t1_jef0r0q wrote

Well if we go on this “list” oxford county is being counted as northern Maine lol


thesilversverker t1_jef0zl9 wrote

Fair. Guess it's all pretty relative


FoxyRin420 t1_jef1hax wrote

It really is- heck when more then half the state lost power for like 14-20 hours earlier this winter we had almost every surrounding street down with no power but we are on a priority grid so we were up quick. I think there’s places on this list in these counties that offer what people need- and we purposely made sure we had quick electric access and cable internet availability- honestly we would have paid to have a pole installed for it if nothing was an option- I had a friend who lives 5 miles away lose power for 3 days and didn’t have internet for 5 bc she lives on a backroad - it really is relative.