Submitted by _jenni4 t3_11h4vni in Maine

Hey, I know Portland is all kinds of safe and has a great queer culture. But I often pass through Bangor on my way to points north -- what's the vibe there?



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[deleted] t1_jarz3au wrote

The Socialist Rifle Association has a pretty robust presence there, so there will be transfolk and catgirls with guns.

Edit: people think I’m joking, I’m not joking.


dr0wningggg t1_jas0yp5 wrote

there’s plenty of gay people here in bangor, but i’m not aware of any groups/clubs/etc. my boyfriend and i live near bangor and own a maine discord server if you’re interested. there’s a lot of lgbt folks in there


yupuhoh t1_jas151x wrote

Really? I'd worry more about a meth head stealing your cat converter


Sufficient_Risk1684 t1_jas1enf wrote

Sure. But your title was safety. No one caring is perfectly safe. You didn't ask will I be able to assume genders and label people as being trans based on the way they look. Sounds like people won't be safe from your assumptions about them.


fishing2256 t1_jas1wz2 wrote

The only people that care about who you fuck or what you call yourself are the leftists, this is not the Middleast.


Nadia_Claire_ t1_jas2ohp wrote

Totally safe I would say but not nearly as open with queer culture as Portland. As other people have said I have not seen any groups, specific hangout places or anything like that.


[deleted] t1_jas9leq wrote

It’s not like I study the trans community, but people wearing pins isn’t necessarily an indication of trans representation in Maine. One of the reasons most of the queer bars are closing is that people aren’t as segregated. It’s just Maine culture— you could have a large queer community but you’re just as likely to find them at the weekly boardgame meeting, bowling club, or shooting range. Mainers are pretty integrated in this state, there are so few people that they don’t tend to silo themselves.

Portland is large enough that it’s the exception to the rule.


Sufficient_Risk1684 t1_jascmny wrote

Sure, it's fear. Though like a lot of fears it seems to be misplaced. If you read actual reports of trans related violence victims the vast majority of them appear to be domestic violence, or random. ( Stabbing in a fight at a party, killed in street robbery etc) In various lists I don't see a single report alleging any random violent trans related hate crime in the US last year. Certainly not any in Maine....


yupuhoh t1_jasp94p wrote

Being mean? Lol. I didn't think that. Just thought you were an ass and back tracked on your talk because I separated pills from heroin and you called me on it. Then you separated pills from heroin and I called you on it. But if you think you were being mean to me for some reason Im sorry I gave you that impression. Anytime you need a hug just lmk and I'm there for ya


yupuhoh t1_jasrkyw wrote

You said "most people are referring to pills when they say pills" that's you separating pills form heroin. Which like you said is an opiate. As are the pills people do. Percs which have lead to widespread heroin use because the price of them became too high.


[deleted] t1_jat75ao wrote

Lots of people shooting up in Portland, needles on the ground everywhere. Glad I don't live there. Have to go there sometimes for work.


novatom1960 t1_jat80ys wrote

I lived in the area back in the mid 80’s when Charlie Howard was murdered, that had a big impact. I haven’t lived there in 35 years but I assume things have come a long ways since then.


Some-Concentrate-853 t1_jatuvsd wrote

Currently in world history you guys should not make it to obvious which group you support.


DonkeyKongsVet t1_jau8ov5 wrote

A rainbow crosswalk and that's about it.

Get to the right water cooler and you can hear the stigma and hate all day.