Submitted by Character_Stable_487 t3_121ujpk in Maine

Looking at changing careers, have been a teacher a few years and unfortunately my time as an instructor has been unfulfilling. I would like to spend more time outdoors, whilst still serving my community---hence I am looking at potentially becoming a Ranger.

I have already done preliminary research and know the requirements of becoming a Forest Ranger, but I have a few questions regarding the work variety, opening frequency, and the career viability;

1). Are there regularly openings for positions, or are the positions hyper-competitive? I have a BS in Biology, and am confident regarding interviews and the physical fitness portions, but if the positions rarely come open I can see that being a challenge.

2). What does your typical workload consist of? How much of it is public education, vs firefighting or safety, how much of it is patrolling/law enforcement? Overall, do you find it fulfilling and do you feel like you are serving the public?

3). Do you find the pay (please share if you are comfortable!!!) to be adequate, and are there opportunities to advance? Is this a forever career, or something that you'd only do if you absolutely love it and don't care about money at all?

Thanks in advance to any who respond, and I hope all of you have a fantastic rest of the weekend. Happy Spring!



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tippydog90 t1_jdnrr6d wrote

I work for the US Forest service as a wildlife biologist. I also taught high school several years. I guess my question to you is, when you think of a "forest ranger" what do you think that job entails? What do you envision doing?

Because a forest ranger with the federal government is responsible for managing a district on a national forest. They manage staff, make decisions about projects, direct timber, wildlife, recreation, engineering, fire, etc. for their district. It is a very demanding job with a lot of competing interests, and at times a lot of politics. The job is actually quite different than many people envision.


sofa98 t1_jdnxgis wrote

I actually am a Forest Ranger. Feel free to send me a PM.


bdana666 t1_jdo7eu9 wrote

I believe forest rangers are federal employees. Game Wardens are state employees. I think there's a big difference.


robotpizza13 t1_jdolugc wrote

Seems like a cool job! They’re the only state agencies with a helicopter I believe (other than national guard).


Quiet_Hornet_5506 t1_jdqfw0e wrote

Check out the employment listings for the State of Maine. Job duties and salaries are listed in the postings. You can also call the hiring manager in the listing, and they can answer any specific questions you have. There are several seasonal jobs of this variety listed around this time every year.


Sufficient_Risk1684 t1_jdrc3vp wrote

State is probably not very competitive due to pay. Federal is really competitive due to pay, benefits, retirement etc. If your not a veteran with preference, probably about impossible.