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currentscurrents t1_j8zwnht wrote

It depends on whether it's exploiting my psychology to sell me something I don't need, or if it's gathering information to find something that may actually be useful for me. I suspect the latter is a more useful strategy in the long run because people tend to adjust to counter psychological exploits.

If I'm shown an advertisement for something I actually want... that doesn't sound bad? I certainly don't like ads for irrelevant things like penis enlargement.


sweetchocolotepie t1_j91vuca wrote

there is no "useful vs unuseful", you either want it or do not want it. the usefulness is something you define which is subset of the things you want. however the model will just suggest you stuff that may or may not be practical to you, but you want it. you may find them pseudo-useful or useful at the moment or....

case is, it will sell