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slickvaguely t1_j8o5klm wrote

Is there an object detection algorithm that seeks to detect that there is an object as opposed to detect a specific object (cat, bike, etc.)?

I have tried searching this but generic object detection appears to be the name of the other thing...

As an example, I mean if you fed an image into this algrothm it would put bounding boxes on things without trying to identify the things.

Maybe a dumb question....




[deleted] t1_j9ztf95 wrote

  • Region of proposal NNs:A Region Proposal Network, or RPN, is a fully convolutional network that simultaneously predicts object bounds and objectness scores at each position.
  • YOLO uses the Pr(Object) which I am not sure whether it is a prediction from the model, but it seems so
  • And Region of Interest. That is widely used as well, but does not exactly tell "objectness".

ParanoidTire t1_j9hdc4h wrote

Yes this is actually commonly done and a. Core ingredient in object detection. Look up faster r-cnn