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limpbizkit4prez t1_j5rmvr6 wrote

I know you said you are interested in MATLAB or Julia, but I'm interested in why not a python library? I mean a simple Google search would show lots of pytorch HFO solutions.


NadaBrothers OP t1_j5s1s5x wrote

Almost all of my analysis scripts are in matlab, so it would be easier to do things locally.


limpbizkit4prez t1_j5t7cl5 wrote

Ok, yeah that's what I was thinking. That totally makes sense. Good luck!


yarasa t1_j5tid8i wrote

Can you not train in python and dump the results to a file and run analysis on that? Either you have to be an expert in the details of the implementation or you have to use the setup everyone else is using.


shapul t1_j5vp3a3 wrote

Consider that MATLAB can directly call Python functions and scripts. This is built into the core MATLAB, no extra toolbox or 3rd party code needed.