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Maggemkay t1_j48o8cw wrote

Im looking into something similar, essentially combining data driven ML with a knowledge base, but in the context of explainable AI and predictive maintenance.

I have stumbled across something called "Logic Tensor Networks" (search for the paper) which might help in your situation. I need to look into it more, but it combines ML + knowledge bases + fuzzy logic.

Hope you find a solution!


Tigmib OP t1_j4bdhpa wrote

Hi, interesting! Do expert models exist for your problem already or would it be only the knowledge database you want to combine?


Maggemkay t1_j4bms1x wrote

There might be general existing models that i can fit to my problem, but i havent looked into it yet.

Im interested regardless if they already exist and if i can combine them with other data sources.