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Lawjarp2 t1_j3wgoec wrote

It's to gain an edge in everything from search, assistant, coding and gaming. It is a gamble but it's the only chance to beat Google that Microsoft has.


SaucyLoggins t1_j3wlim6 wrote

Yeah, why limit it to one area. They'll probably incorporate it into Visual Studio.


SwitchOrganic t1_j3wpejh wrote

I could see Github Copilot getting a significant rehaul.


--algo t1_j3x812s wrote

Github copilot and chatgpt are built on the EXACT same apis. What would be different?


SwitchOrganic t1_j3x9e5w wrote

While both are modified GPT3 models, Github Copilot is designed specifically to produce code while ChatGPT is a more general chat bot.

I could see them combining outputs, with ChatGPT generating a description/explanation while Copilot generates the code itself. ChatGPT can also parse a wider variety of inputs than Github Copilot. For example, you can ask ChatGPT "Can you find the error in this code?" while I'm pretty sure you can't ask Github Copilot that; but I haven't used Copilot since it left beta.


londons_explorer t1_j3xa6n2 wrote

> while I'm pretty sure you can't ask Github Copilot that

You can comment out the code, then write underneath:

"# Version above not working due to TypeError. Fixed version below:"

Then use Copilot completion. It will fix whatever the bug was.


SwitchOrganic t1_j3xah1u wrote

Oh interesting, that's a pretty clever solution.

Thanks for sharing!


Top_Lime1820 t1_j41sr9w wrote

Also you can ask CoPilot questions. Type your question in a comment after q:. Then create a new comment that starts with a: and it'll answer your question

# q: Which are the most popular R packages for plotting?

# a:


satireplusplus t1_j3xkvn2 wrote

What ChatGPT does really well is dialog and its useful for programming as well. You ask it to write a bash script, but it messes up a line. You tell it line number 9 didn't work and you ask it to fix it. It comes up with a fixed solution that runs. Really cool.


visarga t1_j414x9n wrote

Copilot is not prompt-tuned, chatGPT would understand new tasks much easier.


GeoLyinX t1_j404nv8 wrote

No they are not, they are 2 different api’s and even 2 distinct AI models. It’s not just a different api that uses the same AI differently, it’s an entirely different model together with different output layer parameters and likely the input layers as well, just both models based originally based off GPT3 for their hidden layers mostly.


--algo t1_j40j84w wrote

We are both right and wrong. To be pedantic, it's this paper for both but with different training data


Hyper1on t1_j43crwx wrote

That's the InstructGPT paper, which is right for ChatGPT, but Copilot is based on Codex, which does not use RLHF.


Deeviant t1_j42d8cr wrote

Honestly, I don't need AI to write the code for me (If it can, cool, but that seems way further out), but if it could write tests for me, I'd give my left <insert_body_part> for it.


RandomCandor t1_j3wwj98 wrote

From my experience with it's incredible coding abilities, i expect ChatGPT to explode in this area first and foremost


Agreeable-Tomatillo2 t1_j3z2xc4 wrote

You clearly don’t write any type of complex code, nor anything that deals with basic numbers. Chat gpt couldn’t even tell me the correct biggest exponent of 2 in a list of 10 items lmfao


RandomCandor t1_j3z608k wrote

> Chat gpt couldn’t even tell me the correct biggest exponent of 2 in a list of 10 items lmfao

You're confusing mathematics and software engineering. It's a very typical junior mistake, nothing to be embarrassed by. Once you've been doing this professionally for 3 decades like I have, you will (probably) not make that kind of dumb mistake.


visarga t1_j4157w3 wrote

Of course the code fails at first run. My code fails at first run, too. But I can iterate. If MS allows feedback from the debugger, the model could fix most of its errors.

And when you want to solve a quantitative question the best way is to ask for a Python script that would print the answer when executed.


philosophical_lens t1_j3wsucu wrote

What do you mean by "beat Google"? Arguably Microsoft is already beating Google if you look at company valuation.


Professional-Bee-Bee t1_j3wvgxb wrote

They obviously mean in search, where they’re significantly behind, if not dead, in terms of market share.


philosophical_lens t1_j3x8ku8 wrote

> They obviously mean in search

Okay, that wasn't obvious to me, because they specifically listed several areas not only search:

> It's to gain an edge in everything from search, assistant, coding and gaming.


MrZwink t1_j3x443c wrote

microsoft te already beating google. Their income streams are more diversified. It has a huge stable client base (and has had so for 30 years)

Msft won't beat google at search. But then that's googles only "one trick pony." Google isn't beating Microsoft in business hardware, business software. Os etc etc etc!

If Google search gets displaced tomorrow the company loses all it's interest. If big gets replaced Microsoft will keep selling windows, SQL server, office etc etc etc.


FruityWelsh t1_j3zywgo wrote

I mean, arguably, a good enough AI would make the need to search websites a rare thing to do for most people. Obviously, combined with the web 2.0 model of people only going to a couple of main sites anyway.


krali_ t1_j40o5gy wrote

Google has become very good at not returning adequate results along the years. Be it in Search or Youtube, it's been a disappointement, but for an Ad-focused company, quite predictable.

I can't wait for a competitor or something else entirely ala prompt IA.


visarga t1_j415y3g wrote

Yes, just try searching "What is the world record for crossing the English Channel entirely on foot?" and enjoy the litany of unrelated answers, mostly about swimming across.


MfDoomer222 t1_j687ltn wrote

Wait how do you cross the channel on foot? Did it freeze over at some point?


visarga t1_j6c3eg2 wrote

The water levels were lower in the past and there was a land bridge, and today you can cross by Channel Tunnel, there are a few immigrants that sneaked in Calais to walk to Dover along the train tracks.


new_ff t1_j3wxyen wrote

Bro mega corporations aren't anime characters measured by market cap


--algo t1_j3x85wc wrote

Mega corporations are literally defined by their market cap


new_ff t1_j3xg0ya wrote

They compete in dozens of different areas and have different strengths and weaknesses in each of them. Why would a consumer or user care about market cap? It's utterly meaningless metric for almost all purposes


Abkarina t1_j3x3sp4 wrote

Exactly, it has so many applications. One feature would be teams meeting summaries.


Deeviant t1_j42cwiy wrote

Google is in a dominant position but is reaching a stage of complete stagnation. Microsoft basically is also in a stage of stagnation but something like this can absolutely allow Microsoft to gain ground against Google, perhaps even if the high ground.