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onehitwonderos t1_j3werx0 wrote

I thinks it’s all about bringing back Clippy - more powerful than ever!


Soc13In t1_j3wgu3j wrote

Just wait till Clippy turns into Skynet.


Geneocrat t1_j3wm3sq wrote

I always remember the “Looks like you’re working on a suicide note, I can help!” picture.


Congenital_Optimizer t1_j3yfnou wrote

I remember MS Bob. I was a teenager when it was running on a demo PC at a local shop... I enter wrong password, enter wrong password, bang it pops up, "it looks like you forgot your password, would you like to change it?", Of course I clicked [yes].


Ataru074 t1_j3yli8c wrote

The new empowered version… Clitty.


Lulonaro t1_j40ano9 wrote

OMG. This just brought a remote memory from school from 20 years ago. I remember a kid told me that Clippy could answer any question asked to him. And I argued that that was a lie, it would only answer pre defined questions. I guess that boy will prove me wrong more than 20 years later.


visarga t1_j414pbh wrote

You didn't think 175B parameters would make a difference, did you?