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Hobo-Wizzard t1_j2pc7ra wrote

28 is the median age of starting a Ph.D. in Germany, you are by no means old and being a few years "behind" (which I don't think you are if you learned anything during your 3yoe soft skills, etc.) a small fraction of Ph.D. students does not matter when you consider how long of a carrier you have in front of you.

I worked as a Data Scientist before starting my Ph.D. and was bored with it which is why I started mine. If you think doing a Ph.D. excites you and/or you think it will open up more exciting jobs in the future do it! Else you can have a fine career with your current credentials.


curiousshortguy t1_j2s1kb8 wrote

Top research labs in Germany will hesitate taking someone that old, and pretty much age-discriminate older students.