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bitemenow999 t1_j2bzpsx wrote

I just finished a tool/ml model (a shallow one, technically ml) that would suggest keywords and ideas for your next paper/project for maximum citations...

A bit of background for motivation, a couple weeks ago I was with a friend getting drunk and talking about the monopoly of big tech on deep learning and pattern of publication in major conferences, eg. this year it was diffusion, last year it was transformers etc.So I came home a bit drunk and wrote a script to scrape data from papers, nothing fancy just the keywords and citations. Woke up to decent size data, so I trained a quick decision tree (don't know why it made sense to my half-drunk brain). Sent it to some of my friends in my lab to play with, got some funny results and suggestions and it looks like I am gonna work on it a little bit to add more features and as a side project.

So it takes some inputs like a couple of keywords from your side like if your area eg. x-ray,cancer detection or inverse pde/system identification etc and gives next couple of key words like diffusion, transformers, clip-guided etc. as well as predicted number of citations.


Lintaar OP t1_j2c1pzp wrote

A living example of the Ballmer Peak. In all seriousness though, that's pretty impressive to build that much in 24 hours... especially while being drunk. And more impressive, it sounds like it could be an actually useful model if you keep working on it. Good luck!