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Ok-Perception8269 t1_j218ejp wrote


- Fun project, good for you for making it. =) Not a criticism but I'd try to get to the root of what a presentation is and explore that more fully.

- Consider shifting to integrating mind maps with AI instead. I use Mindnode and Scapple to map out my thinking, then export to Powerpoint by exporting to OPML, importing into OmniOutliner, then exporting to Powerpoint format from there. Imagine starting a new mind map, asking a question, and seeing the AI generate branching nodes, exploring possibilities not considered. You could refresh a branch by clicking on a node and asking it to generate new options. Todoist has a tool that does this for coming up with task ideas.

- And/or, explore how Amazon eschews presentations for 6-page memos focused on narrative. AI is so much smarter than Powerpoint - could you generate smarter structured thinking and use GPT-3 to generate an argument in memo form? See

- Your current product would dovetail nicely with IA Presenter, a radically simplified presentation app currently in beta. I don't think they'll have an API for it but who knows, it might give you some additional ideas. Site:

- One other thing -- could you make a tool that lets a user upload an existing Powerpoint and see it improved in various ways? Maybe have it load into a web UI and designate blocks for AI refreshing (e.g. images, copy), with the AI reading the existing copy or doing img2img on the graphics?

Anyway, good luck with it!


seventyducks t1_j21wgqt wrote

Not OP but just want to say that these are some really interesting ideas, thanks for sharing!


Competitive_Coffeer t1_j22jrp5 wrote

I appreciate that is a better overall state of presentations you are aiming for. That said, that ain't where the market is today. Text to PPT is the way to go. Then use that to improve per those suggestions. Lowest user friction approach. Don't create a product that they inherently won't use the output of due to lack of familiarity and ability to edit.


icest0 t1_j233ddv wrote

This might sound weird, but how did you come up with these ideas? like what kind of media do you consume/read/do on daily basis lol.


BackgroundChemist t1_j23d4gy wrote

Yes - basic PPT to slick presentation would be really useful, I like writing content but the layout formatting is boring as far as I'm concerned