Submitted by AImSamy t3_zl5kmi in MachineLearning

At edenai we're trying to compete specialized AI models VS OpenAI's GPT3 in different applications (kw extraction, sentiment analysis, NER ...etc). So we need to find the best prompt for doing NER with GPT3 but not verry succesfully. We need at least a list of words and their types (class).

Does anyone have an idea ?



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HateRedditCantQuitit t1_j049e1g wrote

I just sent this to chatgpt, and it worked fine:


>What are the locations present in the following sentence?
>“I flew from SF to NY today, with a layover in Blorpington.”
>Please respond in a JSON list of the form
> “locations”: […]


AImSamy OP t1_j049u89 wrote

The respond in JSON is amazing. I didn't know we could do that. Thanks I'll try that.


math_mommy t1_j045l86 wrote

Well, SpaCy does it. Maybe they can tell.


AImSamy OP t1_j0507vo wrote

Spacy uses gpt3?


math_mommy t1_j05o5xr wrote

No, but they train their models for detecting NER, so they are likely to know where such data can be found. They apply their own models and BERT, if you are curious about the models.


120pi t1_j056sml wrote

Generative models are not really the most effective approach for NER. Using another example as someone else provided:

What are the colors in the following sentence: "The white man like his burgers medium rare. He doesn't mind getting the red blood on his new green shirt." Return as JSON.

The colors in the sentence "The white man like his burgers medium rare. He doesn't mind getting the red blood on his new green shirt." are:




Here is the same information in JSON format:

Copy code

{ "colors": [ "White", "Red", "Green" ] } 

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

A properly trained NER would not have made the mistake of labeling a racial token as a color.


Odd_Science t1_j05z49z wrote

You call it a mistake, but I (as a human, yes, really) would have included it in the list.


NoRexTreX t1_j0604jd wrote

Really? Is that convention or just a common design choice? Is it because white people are not literally white, just relatively white?


120pi t1_j080qtj wrote

Since I'm getting the down vote love here let me add some context to this. A human reader would see "white man" to mean Caucasian, not a man that is either dressed in all white clothing or has their skin painted white or has little melatonin. Annotating white in this context when training an NER would not make sense contextually if the goal is to identify color entities; labeling "white-skinned/light-skinned" would make sense as a color annotation.

A Finnish accountant during tax season and a Finnish-American surfer in Hawaii probably have different levels of melatonin in their skin but are both "white" (racially).


EatTheRichBabies t1_j0crvix wrote

Nah, this is a super ambiguous example that even humans don't agree on. Maybe try something like "buffalo buffalo buffalo" :) or some word like "the tortoise leapfrogged the hare" what animals were involved in the race? Should be 2 and not 3.

Doesn't mean specialized ners aren't better tho, just that this white man example ain't a good test.