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pr0u t1_izwh94p wrote

Inb4 Schmidhuber invented this 20 years ago


qsnoodles t1_izzpcop wrote

Inb4 Graham Sutherland comes back from the grave looking for whatever this photo/painting is


ChuckSeven t1_j016or8 wrote

I know this is a joke but Juergen doesn't have much work in this direction. He also doesn't care about biological plausibility. So I highly doubt that this will happen.


[deleted] t1_izwhhrm wrote



DeepGamingAI t1_izwkqsg wrote

I liked a reply to jurgen from some twitter user saying if you have already solved agi now would be a good time to bring that up.


even_less_resistance t1_izx4eyw wrote

Right dude? It's almost like he did and he is resentful of anyone touching on the path he used to get there... or he is almost there and doesn't want anyone catching up lol does he want the credit or not?
