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Phoneaccount25732 t1_iybqxxl wrote

Does category theory continue to be as insanely mind-blowing once you actually understand some of it?


LazyHater t1_iyeaom6 wrote

Yes and no. The fundamental ideas, once they start to sink in, show clear parallels between vastly different fields of analytic thought. The more you understand the framework though, the more its limitations can be concerning. Dependence on the axiom of choice, for example, and the naturality of choice in the field itself, leads some to speculate that if contradiction can be chosen true, the theory's implementation (with the vast majority of categorical proofs appealing to choice) is completely broken.

It's overwhelming at times how applicable category theory is from the right perspective, but underwhelming how its implementation in set theory can be expected to pan out.

tl;dr: category theory is dope but aoc is sus