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Secure-Blackberry-45 t1_ix5hoes wrote

Hi everyone! Firs of all I’m new to machine learning “inside” mobile applications. Please be understanding 🙂 I want to implement a machine learning model via Firebase for a mobile app (iOS, Android) built on React JS. But model size limit in Firebase is 40 MB. My model is 150+ MB. This size would be way too big for the app for people to download. What are the solutions for hosting machine learning model 150MB+ for a mobile application? Is there a workaround to use Firebase with my model? Please advice.


vidret t1_ix5z4zb wrote

Have you tried making the model smaller by turning into 16 bit floats instead of 32 bit floats? If it’s already 16 bit you could try 8 bit ints and see if the performance drop is acceptable. I think tensorflow and torch both have these options available.

Less simple option is changing the architecture to make it even smaller, there’s a variety of methods. Before doing that I’d have a look around to see what sort of tricks everyone else with the same goals as you are using.