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Mechanical_Number t1_ivme2zm wrote


  1. This is an extremely serious accusation.
  2. Even in your blog-post you at best provide ~12 sentences/very short passages that are reworded and/or copied verbatim.
    1. You can raise a valid point about the C-P ones are not properly annotated. Yes, a serious issue indeed. It is unacceptable, they should be in quotes, italics, etc.
    2. The reworded ones you provided are mostly descriptions of some known systems. I haven't read the thesis itself but that's pretty minor, ultimately you describe system/algorithm/procedure X you are going to use similar words.
    3. Twelve instances at best constitute reason to make minor amendments. If we are talking about an an average PhD thesis that is 100+ pages long, all the passages you give probably amount to a page or a page and a half. Again, should they be fixed? Yes.
  3. I somewhat doubt you appreciate what the spirit of plagiarism in a PhD thesis is. I have seen plagiarised theses and we are talking about c-p multiple pages, using the results of other people as your own, claiming substantial findings with data/work that ain't you own. The instances you give? That's some lazy referencing and lax refereeing. Not great but the world has much, much bigger fish to fry.
  4. You have blown this completely out of proportion.
    (And to state the obvious here, I have no affiliation with Theodorou, Bath U. or Umea U.)