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big_mantis t1_iv3dmz8 wrote

I got 2 8s and 3 3s so a pretty big split in opinions lol. This is my first time submitting to an AI conference so not sure where that leaves my chances but not too optimistic about getting accepted.


tfburns t1_iv3n3s5 wrote

>2 8s and 3 3s

For a total of 5 reviews? Not only a big split but also a large number (both of my submissions only have 3 reviews, and average across all papers is apparently 4.1 at present).

Congrats on your first submission :)


51616 t1_iv45ny4 wrote

Having 5 reviews i suppose is unusual. I guess initially the paper has 8/8/3/3 split, which might necessitate an additional review. Unfortunately, that one is another 3


big_mantis t1_iv4fr2l wrote

Thanks! Yeah I was a little salty we got 5 lol, the average would've been a lot better without that extra 3


khaldrug0 t1_iv3f390 wrote

My first time also, I got 5 5 6 8, hopefully with a little bit of work can increase those


tfburns t1_iv3nt0t wrote

Congrats on your first submission! Sounds pretty close. Good luck.


Unlucky-Attitude8832 t1_iv4nisw wrote

I also got 2 8s and 2 3s, the guys gave 3 must be brutal lol


BeatLeJuce t1_iveapvr wrote

to be fair, "4" wasn't an option you had as a reviewer, so it was either 3 or 5, and 5 is "slightly below acceptance threshold". So if you feel like there is a flaw in the paper (even one you could recover from in rebuttals), "3" was the natural vote to give. Personally, for most papers I rated "3", the authors could come back from it if they manage to address my concerns properly.