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ElongatedMuskrat122 t1_iv23y51 wrote

Well first off, you need to know what methods you’re using.

If you’re trying to build your own library, just port SKlearn


Aggravating-Shake289 OP t1_iv24e0p wrote

Why would I want to build my own library? I just want to work with machine learning in kotlin and I have no idea how...


ElongatedMuskrat122 t1_iv2527b wrote

Okay then you need to find a machine learning library? So Google ML library JVM…


Aggravating-Shake289 OP t1_iv25be6 wrote

Ok I may not have been clear in my question, but I edited now. What I was actually looking for were self-teach resources for machine learning with kotlin. 🙂


ElongatedMuskrat122 t1_iv2stms wrote

Well all the libraries you’re looking for are going to have documentation. If you’re looking to learn ML concepts though, there’s plenty of very good YouTube videos from StatQuest


danielfm123 t1_iv2a4rf wrote

ussually ML library are implemented in popular languages like python, R, spark.

you could build a web api in R o Python, and just fetch the results from kotlin.

thats a good aproach, specially because models are constatly retrained and adjusted.


arg_max t1_iv2cb5u wrote

I think it kind of depends on what you want to do in the end. Machine learning can be complex and learning how to implement state of the art methods and understanding how they work can take years. If you want to do rather simple stuff like linear regression, you can probably just use a java linear algebra library and implement it yourself. But more complex stuff like deep learning is done using specialised libraries like Tensor flow, pytorch and so on. And I don't think you want to reimplement them yourself in java. Now you could either use pytorch in c++, wrap it and call from java or write the ml stuff in python which has the best framework support and then pass the data from java to your python program, calculate in python and send results back to java. There also is a deep java library but I have no experience with it and can't tell you how well it works. But yeah, ml is mostly done in python or c++ these days.