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YamEnvironmental4720 t1_iu3a34c wrote

I would recommend Andrew Ng's courses on Coursera. He is very respected both as a researcher and a teacher of ML. The courses start from the basics with linear regression and evolve to treating neural nets and deep learning. With your education, you'll have no problems with the mathematics: matrix theory, multi-dimensional calculus (in particular gradient flow) and some probability theory. He explains the intuition behind many of these topics very well, though, but it makes it easier to already be familiar with them. As for programming languages, the assignments for his first course on ML were in Octave, if I remember correctly, but he later switches by Python, which is by now probably the number one language for these purposes due the the multitude of libraries for ML. As you have a diploma in CS, I assume that you are already fluent in some programming languages, and it would be a good exercise to build your own ML model, e.g. neural net or random forest, from scratch in your language of choice in order to develop a deeper understanding.


pl0m0_is_taken t1_iu3h2rt wrote

Thank you for being kind and replying with the suggestion, I will act on it.