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jaschau t1_itguay4 wrote

Am I the only one for who the announcement feels a bit out of touch with reality?


sharky6000 t1_iti87n8 wrote

I am not a fan of TF by any means, but:

> It’s the 3rd most-starred software repository on GitHub (right behind Vue and React) and the most-downloaded machine learning package on PyPI

Can't really make that stuff up. There are quite a lot of TF users out there.


jaschau t1_itk0o02 wrote

Completely agree with you there that the numbers are certainly correct. I just felt like they might not tell the whole story. For example, looking at the section where they say, I paraphrase, "x preprints are uploaded every day that mention TF", I don't doubt the numbers, but the way they tell it certainly evokes a different image compared to saying "the share of preprints relying on TF has been steadily declining the past years".

Regarding the many TF users out there, I would be curious what the main benefit is for them. Is it TPU support, TF serving, TF lite, something else?


LetterRip t1_itiqjqp wrote

Everyone downloads pytorch directly from the pytorch site, so it is somewhat misleading.


drinkingsomuchcoffee t1_ithb1xs wrote

Unsurprising. Google's been out of touch with reality for awhile now. That's what happens when you have a near monopoly (besides Apple). Despite the claims of how elite they are, the APIs they produce are pretty garbage except for a few lucky hits like JAX.


VirtualHat t1_itkajqr wrote

I use Pytorch every day and haven't gone back to TF for years. That being said, there are lots of old projects still on TF, and indeed on the older 1.x version before they fixed most of the stuff.

I'm glad they're working on XLA and JAX though.