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bmer t1_it3olbz wrote

Windows support would be great. I’ve previously tried to get windows to work, but never managed to resolve the missing symbols issue.

See for example:

In the end I used the c api, which works on Linux, windows and Mac and are available precompiled from the website.


lennart-reiher-ika OP t1_it6domt wrote

You're probably right that there would be demand for Windows support indeed. Still, Linux probably covers the majority of potential users, so we would rather first prioritize things like ARM support.

Feel free to contribute though, if you would like to tackle Windows once again! You do seem to have the required Windows experience.


bmer t1_it96oiz wrote

It’s been awhile since I’ve looked at it, so not sure how hard it would be to get to work. I only commented since you mentioned that you would support other operating systems. For others interested in cross platform support there is also cppflow.


CommunismDoesntWork t1_it4dch4 wrote

Why would you want this to work on windows?


bmer t1_it5y7xk wrote

Windows still has a huge market share in most industries and some people prefer a standalone application. Which means that we need to support it if we want things to be used.