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Atom_101 t1_it1fzij wrote

Where can I find Cohere's publications? Basically a way to get an idea of the things you work on.

>In fact, our one criterion for selection is that you cannot have published a machine learning research paper previously.

This is from the blog. Is this criterion strictly enforced. What if someone has publications but no first author publications? What if they have published in lower tier conferences? Why exclude such people, since many of them will be interested in the program.


ml_magic_ OP t1_it36qbw wrote

re: no publications. Our goal is to respect the spirit and intent of the program, we want to support people at the beginning of their research career in machine learning.

So yes, if you published in biology 5 years ago but have no machine learning publications -- you are probably still a good fit for the program. If you have a workshop paper, but don't have any publications, go ahead and apply.

If you have several maintrack papers or multiple workshop papers, I think it is a little less clear you belong to this program. In cases like these where you already have a publication record, we have full time research scientist roles that may be a better fit.


RSchaeffer t1_it4gb7v wrote

Can people apply if they have ML publications but no NLP publications, and want to transition?


ml_magic_ OP t1_it59kv6 wrote

Often, the skills required to succeed at ML research transfer between different modalities (computer vision, NLP). So, if you have several ML publications one of our research scientist roles is probably a better fit to apply to.