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respeckKnuckles t1_jc8xver wrote

"Not using gpt4" is going to be in all NLP conference paper reviews for the next six months.


YouAgainShmidhoobuh t1_jc9a44k wrote

Not so sure about this. It seems like a tempting argument but gpt4 has no explanation of model architecture or training approach at all, so there is no way for fair comparison of any kind.


bearific t1_jc9jo5y wrote

Yet when my sister submitted a paper before ChatGPT was released, she got complaints that she did not evaluate on ChatGPT literally days after it was released


ClassicJewJokes t1_jc9q98x wrote

Doesn't matter to most reviewers. Little care for accessibility as well, remember the flak you'd get for not using MuJoCo in a RL paper when it wasn't opensource.