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geekfolk t1_je23p7c wrote

How is it better than GANs though? or in other words, what's so bad about adversarial training? modern GANs (with zero centered gradient penalties) are pretty easy to train.


Beautiful-Gur-9456 OP t1_je3hxbn wrote

The training pipeline, honestly, is significantly simpler without adversarial training, so the design space is much smaller.

It's actually reminiscent of GANs since it uses pre-trained networks as a loss function to improve the quality, though it's completely optional. Still, it's a lot easier than trying to solve any kind of minimax problem.


geekfolk t1_je3io3b wrote

using pretrained models is kind of cheating, some GANs use this trick too (projected GANs). But as a standalone model, it does not seem to work as well as SOTA GANs (judged by the numbers in the paper)


>Still, it's a lot easier than trying to solve any kind of minimax problem.

This is true for GANs in the early days; however, modern GANs are proved to not have mode collapse and the training is proved to converge.

>It's actually reminiscent of GANs since it uses pre-trained networks

I assume you mean distilling a diffusion model in the paper. There have been some attempts to combine diffusion and GANs to get the best of both worlds but afaik none involved distillation, I'm curious if anyone has tried distilling diffusion models into GANs.


Beautiful-Gur-9456 OP t1_je3qsdu wrote

Nope. I mean the LPIPS loss, which kinda acts like a discriminator in GANs. We can replace it to MSE without much degradation.

Distilling SOTA diffusion model is obviously cheating 😂, so I didn't even think of it. In my view, they are just apples and oranges. We can augment diffusion models with GANs and vice versa to get the most out of them, but what's the point? That would make things way more complex. It's clear that diffusion models cannot beat SOTA GANs for one-step generation; they've been tailored for that particular task for years. But we're just exploring possibilities, right?

Aside from the complexity, I think it's worth a shot to replace LPIPS loss and adversarially train it as a discriminator. Using pre-trained VGG is cheating anyway. That would be an interesting direction to see!


Username912773 t1_je3pipz wrote

Aren’t GANs substantially larger and harder to preserve image structure?


geekfolk t1_je3qyfr wrote

I don’t know about this model, but GANs are typically smaller than diffusion models in terms of num of params. The image structure thing probably has something to do with the network architecture since GANs rarely use attention blocks and the network architecture of diffusion models is more hybrid (typically CNN + attention)


Beautiful-Gur-9456 OP t1_je3sung wrote

I think the reason lies in the difference in the amount of computation rather than architectural difference. Diffusion models have many chances to correct their predictions, but GANs do not.


huehue9812 t1_je3q0pl wrote

Hey, can I ask something about 0-GP GANs? This is the first time I've ever heard of them. I was wondering what makes them superior over R1 regularization. Also, why is it that most papers mention R1 reg., but not 0-GP?


geekfolk t1_je3qiqw wrote

R1 is one form of 0-gp, it’s actually introduced in the paper that proposed 0-gp. See my link above