Submitted by of_a_varsity_athlete t3_11g7u60 in MachineLearning

Every movie recommender I've come accross gives pretty similar answers which completely misunderstand what I think of when I mean "similar". What the recommenders think I mean is "Give me a movie that has similar topic keywords, or same star, or same director", whereas what I mean is "Give me a movie that gives me these same sensations".

For instance, a movie I really like and often think "I'm in the mood for a movie like that" about is Margin Call. It's all slick night time looking, happens in a condensed span of time, feels very Manhattan and business class. When I watch it I feel like I can hear the pulse of the city. There's an ASMR like quality to it in my opinion. It's all plush and expensive feeling.

But what does every recommender tell me? Watch Big Short, or Inside Job. One is a brash franticly hand held comedy with popping colors, and the other is a documentary. But because they came out at the same time about the same topic, recommenders think that's a good choice. A much better choice would be Michael Clayton, which is a different year, different topic, different director, etc, but has many tactile similarities to Margin Call, as I describe them above.

Is anybody working on or has already provided an ML based tool which somehow measures "vibe"? Maybe it's color palette, or edit speed, or score key, or any of that stuff? I'd be interested.



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zazzersmel t1_jankg28 wrote

it just depends on the available data. someone has to tag those films with the appropriate info youre interested in. the modeling isnt necessarily any different.


radarsat1 t1_jas37b1 wrote

Honestly, probably GPT with the right prompt, assuming it's already read every movie review out there. Might take some work to figure out that prompt though.


mrtransisteur t1_jasibpc wrote

I’ve been using ChatGPT for exactly this, vibe based movie recs. One trick is to encourage it to suggest older classics, lesser-known films, lower budget films, or foreign films. Just tell it when you’ve already seen the movie or if there’s some other misalignment between the suggestions and what you want to see