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pinteresque t1_jbk5yza wrote

I love the owl in theory but, intentionally or not, we got served food with soap in it once years ago and we never went back.

Not the kind of impression you get over, even if it was a mistake. :/


Essarray t1_jbnlrne wrote

Fair, but how often do you think the average dishwasher keeps a gig?


pinteresque t1_jboxu7r wrote

This is sort of hard to articulate but: the person didn't feed me soap, the business and its systems did, and institutional memory is a thing. Like, even above "make a tasty meal" in your rules for running a restaurant should be "don't poison your customers."

Letting someone (or a business) feed you requires a one-way trust - only one of us can get sick from this arrangement after all - and one-way trusts are brittle.

The worker gets all the forgiveness in the world but I'm not going back to the business.