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paxcoder t1_jaar74p wrote

He could've forgotten, or he could have a narcissistic personality disorder 🤷


kellogg888 OP t1_jaaxzi5 wrote

Hahaha you see my dilemma? I want to bring this up to him in a way that doesn't accuse him of anything while still holding my ground and demonstrating my boundaries.


paxcoder t1_jaazl7i wrote

I'm not really concerned how you'd sound, I'm concerned about which one it is.

Remember when I told you...? Oh you do remember? Do you know that you said that it was your idea?

Or: Oh you don't remember? Yeah we were here and you said this and I said this.

And optionally: Oh you still don't remember? Mhm.

Disclaimer: I'm asocial and this is not social interaction advice XD


kellogg888 OP t1_jab6e2r wrote

I would have guessed you were social, seems like you know how to talk to people in difficult situations! Thanks for your input :)


paxcoder t1_jaci6mr wrote

Well most of my social interactions are difficult ;D