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JeffBroccoli t1_ja5ptsy wrote

Check your pillow and work out if it’s coming because of sleep posture

Also, try to not roll or crack your neck too much while it’s sore, as tempting as it may be


bree1818 t1_ja62voc wrote

Second this. I started waking up with my ring finger and pinky numb. I went and got a massage, and combined it with a new, firmer pillow and it’s made all the difference in the world.


Sinful-Sammy t1_ja6l5gi wrote

I agree with your. I had some ugly neck pains and changed my pillow. Did a world of difference for me.


sakzeroone t1_ja5rdze wrote

Just keep asking on the internet and definitely do not seek medical advice


drdoy123 t1_ja5rrg3 wrote

this exercise

Had chronic neck pain from poor posture drawing for a living. Couldn’t move my neck for 3 months. This exercise was probably the best one- along with strengthening my traps by doing static exercises. Pretty much put your arms in the air and use your traps to lift them up. There’s a study that trapezius causes a lot of chronic neck pain


kdods22402 t1_ja6bq6n wrote

I came here to make this comment. It's not just your neck, it's also all of the muscles that attach to your neck.

Strengthen and lengthen!


SpunkyMonkey67 t1_ja5wgx0 wrote

Go to the doctor please. I/anyone can’t offer you any relief if we don’t know what the root of the problem is. It may be be very superficial or it could be a pinched muscle/nerve.


NyJosh t1_ja5sy9c wrote

Excedrine. It's not just for headaches. It does amazing things for back pain, severe sore throat, and muscle pain.


semisweetnothings t1_ja6jyc7 wrote

I would go to a doctor to rule out something serious before trying anymore DIY remedies.

But if it’s “tech neck” I got a neck stretcher cushion that looks like a big foam roll. I lay on it for 15 min a day and my neck feels so much better. I can turn my head without feeling any tightness at all. So it helps with tension but not sure about more severe issues.


Curious-Collar-5052 t1_ja6kwtx wrote

It might be helpful to consult a doctor to determine the cause of your neck pain and create a tailored plan to alleviate it. To prevent future pain, it's important to practice good posture and make sure to take breaks from any strenuous activity. Additionally, you could try doing some gentle exercises to strengthen the muscles in your neck and upper back.


keepthetips t1_ja5pmz3 wrote

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hashbang2 t1_ja5rm5g wrote

Forget that pillows exist. Next step is sleep on the hardwood floor.


texasconnection t1_ja5t5le wrote

Get some muscle relaxers, i remember I would wake up with a very severe stiff neck I would take a relaxer and in 30 minutes I would feel like I could do head spins.


AbeLincoln30 t1_ja6b7vi wrote

It's counterintuitive, but a hearty walk can help... like long enough and brisk enough to where you get your heartbeat up for like 20-30 minutes.

I had my neck go out dozens of times over a period of several years, and took me longer than it should have to realize that staying home and staying immobile made the injury linger... whereas some light physical activity helped the pain go away quicker.

To prevent in the future, pay attention to your posture... particularly when using cell phone and laptop. At moments when you realize you're in an awkward position, make the effort to change to a better position. Once i started doing this, I stopped getting neck pain.


mazurzapt t1_ja6f7o6 wrote

If you have arthritis it may come or go with weather. Try a heating pad.


ItsOnlyaFewBucks t1_ja6kze0 wrote

The only things I see you may not have tried is:

  1. a TENS. Small electrodes attached to minor variable strength shock/tensor system. I have never found anything that totally works, but over a few week period it slowly can knock the pain down a notch or two. Again, this is not an attach electrode and problem goes away. For me, it just seems slowly better over time. And I would use it for multiple sessions per day and even go to sleep with it.

  2. CBD/THC. WARNING: POTENTIAL ILLEGAL in your area. I can never tell immediately if CBD is doing anything. But I know I take THC tincture at night to help with sleep and I also include some CDB. I have tried skipping the CBD for a few weeks or a month and I noticed my upper shoulder/neck area seems to become sorer or more stiff. So nothing concrete but it seems to help.

Again, neither of these permanently fix my neck issues, but they are the ones I found that helped me. Knock it down a few notches.


hipsiguy t1_ja5q4k0 wrote

Bathe with Epsom salt and invest in an orthopedic pillow.


Somerset76 t1_ja5u95y wrote

Vicks rub is for breathing not muscles. For muscle I recommend bio freeze or Rock sauce. If still hurts in 2 days, see a chiropractor


isaikya t1_ja5ywlb wrote

I have chronic neck and occiput pain that is slowly improving as I focus on my posture. I had luck with this deep stretch video. Also, to work on my forward head carriage I do “Ws” which are taught here at 5:44. The stretches helped relieve the neck pain and the Ws helps prevent it. Good luck!


motomoo t1_ja67cfg wrote

Not a medical professional and you might want to see one but… I use a cervical pillow and it helped tremendously with some neck pain I had after transferring to a desk job. I haven’t had it since using the pillow. Anecdotal of course but may help in your situation.


9jarvis t1_ja6b4zz wrote

I had a similar issue. Went to the doctor and he prescribed me Muscle relaxers. All good now.


We_have_no_friends t1_ja6irhx wrote

Neck traction bag. not a doctor but I had a compressed disk. My doc was ready to do spinal surgery but a doctor friend recommended one of these:

Weighted bag, hangs from a door and stretches the head and neck upwards. Absolutely life changing for me. I was literally bedridden before I started using it. Strengthening exercises help a ton too and keep it from coming back. But this got me able to move my head side to side when I was having terrible pain and spasms.


itdawnzonme t1_ja6th9u wrote

Next time put a pillow under her hips and bring closer to the edge of the bed so you aren't cranking your neck back you generous lover you


didipause t1_ja7dr4g wrote

Exercise. Strengthen your muscles and it’ll get so much better


2many2know t1_ja7nirm wrote

Get a foam roller place it at the base of your neck, keep knees bent and roll up and at the same time raise both hands over head as the roller moves down your upper back, when you reach armpits roll side to side and massage those muscles as well roll to neck tuck chin and side to side, repeat. Leave a tennis ball in your car to place between your seat and shoulder, spine, neck while driving and massage. Find another ball firmer and smaller to place between wall and shoulder and massage. Drink water, no booze, and no nicotine. There are many more tools I use but this should get u started.


bolo1357 t1_ja7ps7w wrote

Don't know if it's the cause for you but I had neck pain from poor posture and rounded shoulders. It wasn't an easy and quick fix. Began sleeping on my back instead of my side. Did chin tucks, chest stretches, face pulls, anything that is supposed to help with posture. Took months before I started feeling better. It'll take a lot of patience.


totalitarianbnarbp t1_ja7pyvv wrote

There are some great muscle balms for sore muscles, saje wellness has both a muscle melt and rub on roller that are great. Some Chinese herbal shops will have oils that are amazing for sore muscles as well, also can be bought on Amazon.

Muscle relaxants can help when taken for short durations 5-7 days.

Acupuncture can be a great tool if you find a experienced practitioner.

A buckwheat pillow may help. Some people find them incredibly useful and will never go back to a traditional pillow after using one.

Avoid chiropractors. If the problem persists, a sports medicine doctor or physical therapist may be able to help guide you with some targeted stretches and develop a routine to alleviate soreness/muscle tension while building up strength.

All the best!


LifeProTips-ModTeam t1_ja81bnb wrote

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[deleted] t1_ja5to9j wrote



Curtainmachine t1_ja6wppt wrote

These are specifically not for use on the neck


AlGeee t1_ja80ite wrote

Oh yeah

I forgot about that

Ibuprofen + aspirin is effective


rehabforcandy t1_ja60m35 wrote

Myofascial therapy and acupuncture, this has given the best long term relief


Ok_Dragonfruit_3718 t1_ja60prj wrote

An MRI. Sooner you find out if it's disc, cracked cervical vertebrae, or a strain the better.


prophylaxitive t1_ja6vfff wrote

Hmm, what do we have here? A medical issue and minimal information, yet many, many suggestions. This post confirms what that guy said about how stupid most people are.


cooshed t1_ja6vu8m wrote

If you can afford it go to a chiropractor. They should be able to ease the pain but also give you some exercises that will help. They may also be able to pinpoint why it happened. For me it was pillows when sleeping (too many), since that visit, no issues.


Trey407592 t1_ja7lum8 wrote

Please go to a chiropractor. They can usually figure out what your issue is and give you relief TODAY.


mindpivot t1_ja5q0c9 wrote

A good (doctor recommended) chiropractor/physical therapist could both work out any kinks AND teach you stretches and behaviors to prevent/mitigate the problem in the future


knighthawk0811 t1_ja5rlkc wrote

for heavens sake stay away from chiropractors


mindpivot t1_ja5socc wrote

There are a lot of bad ones, not gonna argue that. That’s why I qualified it with “doctor recommended”. A competent chiro/PT combo provider that uses chiropractic technic in the process of broader physical therapy is largely recognized as a good approach to pain management and wellness


fbgm0516 t1_ja5y4km wrote

Don't let a chiropractor touch your neck


WindowMoon t1_ja5yvlz wrote

chiropractors are completely unregulated and pseudoscience. a massage therapist has more licensing and training. in fact, there are 1000's of lawsuits, including CHILDREN who have been paralyzed and hurt long term from bad chiropractors.

go to an actual massage therapist and a physical therapist. with actual degrees and training. fuck chiro. scum bags.