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rorowhat t1_j9gyd34 wrote

I think I've had this since ever, just got used to it and can feel it coming and I adjust to it. Any issues associated with this?


sweart1 t1_j9h3xnv wrote

I'm no doctor but my doctor told me I just have to be careful. If it's a new condition then it would be worth checking with a doctor in case it points to a problem. See


rorowhat t1_j9hqu6a wrote

Had it since I was a teenager, not really sure if it's anything, just lightheaded if I get up sometimes.


garlickbread t1_j9hygif wrote

Ive had this condition my whole life and outside of being annoying it's never been an issue. I get bloodwork done every three months and it's never been brought up. I also get my blood pressure taken and its never come up. Ive asked doctors about it because my fainting spells were freaking my wife out, and they said it wasnt a huge deal.


rorowhat t1_j9i4f09 wrote

Thanks, that's reassuring. I've never had health issues, aside from this annoying "condition".


bellesavage t1_j9hjkgi wrote

Look into POTS, it's a condition that contains this symptom and a host of others. There's a great community that can give you insight about it if it fits for you