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tezoatlipoca t1_j9mawa1 wrote

lol. My kids would have spotted this ruse a mile away. I only barely got away with shredded veggies in the spaghetti sauce.

The one exception would be for grilled cheese (with process cheese slices), cause no one turns down a grilled cheese sandwich. It could be process cheese grilled between two roofing shingles and they'd eat it.


whiskeyjane45 t1_j9n75c6 wrote

I steam veggies, puree them, and put them in ice cube trays for the baby to eat.

When my first was a baby, I tried throwing in a couple of cubes into the tomato sauce. Carrots were the winner. Makes it a little sweeter, but absolutely not noticeable. Spinach and kale were good too, just looked like more basil and oregano than usual


Yeangster t1_j9ngpk7 wrote

A traditional Ragu Bolognese has a good amount of blended carrot and celery


Chickentoaster1 t1_j9nsr1c wrote

If you'd blend it down to purree the Italians would probably sentence you to pizza Hawaii


MasterUnholyWar t1_j9p9hv0 wrote

Yeah, I was gonna say OP must have a doofus of a kid, because this shit never slipped by me - the average kid can spot the ends of the loaf from a mile away.


OMFGFlorida t1_j9o6vjd wrote

My kids don't like grilled cheese or quesadillas. Am sad.