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keepthetips t1_jadcpc7 wrote

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HighDynamicRanger t1_jads1ls wrote

Truth. At 5 I was going to be a fire truck. That was a bit ambitious. 😂😋


chatongie t1_jadtvt4 wrote

And read or listen to a little bit of Gabor Mate.


FunkyandFresh t1_jaee0f8 wrote

Wow, a rare actually great and wide-ranging tip.

These gems are the best thing about this sub, the exact opposite of "clean your lawnmower more easily with this complex and unnecessary trick" or something else oddly specific yet unhelpful.


archaeologistbarbie t1_jaehk0i wrote

I needed this. It’s a good reminder too to not let your job become tied to your self worth or define your personality.


ConvenienceStoreDiet t1_jaejuu1 wrote

I think it's great to dream big. But usually there's something underlying that's trying to be resolved, some need or want within us. To be seen, to be heard, to be validated, to be loved, to have security, to have adventure, to find love, do be creatively open, to experience. All of those things can be achieved without "the thing" being achieved.

One person put it best. One Olympian was being congratulated for winning and being the best, and replied, "I was the best today." Ain't that something. They dreamed for the biggest of the big. And for a variety of so many factors that lined up, that person on that day got their moment. Imagine if they tripped in the hotel an hour before or missed a flight or one of a million reasonable things happening. It doesn't mean it's all over. It just means you didn't get THAT moment. And even if you did get it and it felt good, it doesn't mean it's supposed to last, or that you'd enjoy it if you had it all the time. You get your turn. And then life comes back. You still have to take out the trash, do the laundry, and read to your kids.

And if that big dream doesn't happen to be it, it'll be another. I remember watching an interview with Oscar Isaac who got a starring role in the Star Wars movies. The interviewers were saying, "dude, you're in the biggest franchise ever. That's gotta be the best thing ever." And he was like, "yeah, that's cool, but you know my kids are my life and my world." Dreams and life and everything are meant to change, sometimes the biggest thing stops being that important after a while.

One last one. I was talking with another fellow actor. He was like, "you did THIS!" And I was like, "you did THAT!" And we were sitting there getting jealous of each other's accomplishments. He brilliantly replied in a way that reminded me that we could sit there and look at what the other person did and just drive ourselves mad and never be happy with what we have, but it's best to look at the fact that we were both doing fine.

So it's best to try for something big, appreciate what you do have, and not let your happiness be determined by the outcome. You'll probably be fine.


GibMcSpook t1_jaf1dd9 wrote

I wish someone would’ve told me this a long time ago.

For my entire childhood and into my college life, my parents always had this mentality. While I don’t believe it’s inherently a bad thing, I do realize now that it constantly kept me feeling like I wasn’t doing enough, achieving enough, and that I was never in the right place in life. Especially since I have an older sibling who DID make it big pretty much as soon as she finished college and now makes 6-figure income.

As I wrap up my 20’s, I’ve come to accept that my life is my own, it’s not a race, and the most important thing is my own happiness. Coincidentally, my parents have been on my ass about such things way less since accepting this.