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SocratesHasAGun t1_j6kaofc wrote

Well keep eating 3 meals a day. Eggs are great for you and cereal sucks.

Don't expect results until you're like, on your way out of high school though. Don't expect results at all really. Good nutrition gives your body its best case scenario but if your genes don't allow for it they don't allow for it.

There is no surefire way to become taller without surgery which is ridiculous.

Also like others said don't define your value by how tall you are. Don't define your value by how attractive other people think you are or by if you can get a girlfriend or not. Those are shitty values and you'll always be a failure if that's how you judge yourself.

Define your value by what you can control. Honesty. Loving kindness. Discipline. Having control of your ego. A combination of strength and humility. All of these things are what make a man. Everything else will precipitate from that.

I'm 6'5 and get zero bitches, btw. Just in case you might've thought that being tall gives you an advantage in the dating marketplace. It isn't much of an advantage at all unless (from what I hear) you're also fit, which is a sign of discipline over oneself much more than it is visually appealing.


korggyy OP t1_j6kb8kw wrote

Yea I definitely try to eat healthy, maybe some cake and chips when its a relatives birthday. I definitely won't value myself over height, I just sometimes wish I was taller and I pray I'll get taller maybe as I entered puberty late. I'm just hoping for the best and the reason has nothing to do with getting women (although it would be nice) but its the fact I sometimes get picked on. It's all fine though I think the comments have restored my self confidence.


SocratesHasAGun t1_j6kbi5h wrote

Your classmates fail in their value of kindness when they pick on you. Don't be them and you'll be fine. Tough it out, man.

I got picked on in high school too, just more quietly, but I can say your whole world is gonna change once you're out of high school. It can only get better from here.