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BigVariation3 t1_j5or18e wrote

I played Trivial Pursuit with my partner’s niece and nephew over Christmas. They had trouble pronouncing many bigger words. They’re 20 and 16. I think it’s a couple of things; because of the internet kids don’t read for pleasure as much growing up, or at all. Also, the pandemic stalled their in class learning for a couple years.


Bubbagumpredditor t1_j5ox05o wrote

Can also be never hearing the words out loud I have a very comulent vocabulary but I never got the hang of phonics, so a lot of words I don't know how to pronounce until I have heard someone else say them.


BigVariation3 t1_j5p72ed wrote

Lol I totally get that. My girlfriend makes fun of me because I’ll screw up some words I know but haven’t heard. The most recent being facade. 😂