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SammiK504 t1_j6g9r72 wrote

If you're spending the money you would have otherwise spent on booze on other shit the "fitness industry" is trying to sell you, then you might want to consider that you might just be switching addictions, especially if you don't have any sort of program to help you figure out why you were drinking in the first place


Juls7243 t1_j6gc3ii wrote

True - but sometimes switching addictions is a great thing!

Going from drugs to exercise is not a bad thing to do!


-Alter-Reality- t1_j6gc00m wrote

I drank a six pack of IPA 🍺 per week. Cost like $10-12 for the sixer, so $40-48 monthly. But quitting alcohol, and focusing on health, has been hella expensive! Much more than $40-48 per month.

Shit that was about what just the gym membership alone cost me.

I guess I underestimated how much many people may be spending on booze?


Em_Adespoton t1_j6gig9z wrote

My fitness is running. Outside. With a small investment in my own at-home weights and fitness doodads. Some of them I’ve had for 20 years.

The only real cost after lifestyle adjustments has been $180 on shoes every year.

If I was a weekly regular at the liquor store, I’d have paid for all my stuff for 25 years within a few months.


akratic137 t1_j6idk6p wrote

Yes you greatly underestimate how much money people spend on booze. Most people in the comments assumed you were an alcoholic before. Think a handle or more a day or 18+ beers.


Michayl20 t1_j6gbhze wrote

you say this like he was an alcoholic


Familiar-Corgi1112 t1_j6i64is wrote

Yeahhh…. I think people here are assuming OP is an alcoholic whose income was hugely affected.