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keepthetips t1_j5nzzde wrote

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eldridge2e t1_j5o0nkv wrote

some people say they look to a bright light


LisaWinchester t1_j5o23r3 wrote

When I really do not want to sneeze, I press the tip of my tongue to the roof of my mouth. That usually does the trick


Fun_Amount3063 t1_j5o4no0 wrote

In what situation would I want or need to not sneeze? It’s a reflex ffs.

Stop being weird about bodily functions and stop giving medical advice.


Empire2k5 t1_j5ooet6 wrote

Sneezing feels to good, I'm not holding back for anyone/thing


Hi_its_me_Kris t1_j5oqcgd wrote

Pushing your tongue hard against your palate also works pretty good.


widdlewaddle1 t1_j5oscy3 wrote

Alternatively, thinking of a cow will also prevent sneezing


datDANKie t1_j5oy9vr wrote

yeah right.. then you have a compressed sneeze and its as painful as ever wishing you just let it out


69_A_Porcupine t1_j5p0610 wrote

Zero chance I'm denying myself the simple pleasure of a sneeze


ntrrrmilf t1_j5p2ojf wrote

You can also open your eyes very wide to delay it. I learned this waiting tables.


Flair_Helper t1_j5shkl4 wrote

Hello RegalDreamer, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason:

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