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gazongagizmo t1_j643nx2 wrote

> Confucius's friend told him, "Dude, get out of the capitol because they're going to kill you,"

wait, what? confucius was in the capitol? was he the one who stole the podium? or the one who put his feet on pelosi's desk?


Pristine_Power_8488 t1_j64b8fh wrote




A building or complex of buildings in which a state legislature meets.

The building in Washington, DC, where the Congress of the United States meets.

In Rome, and in Roman cities and colonies, the precinct and temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the protector of the city.

China had a center of government. But I should have said capital, so thanks for your very astute and timely reply. Keep up the good work--I could have used you when I was grading 200 essays a week! Give yourself an award.