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safe4werq t1_j67br19 wrote

Can you make the implicit point explicit please? Why should people do this. To hopefully convince people to not harass them? Or what?


DamSheAFreakDoe t1_j6bckak wrote

I’m speaking anecdotally here, but women with bad relationships with their father on average have trouble maintaining healthy relationships with men.


assinyourpants t1_j6bkigb wrote

What a champion on this one. No, they don’t. Everyone is their own human being.


sir-morti t1_j6blt37 wrote

This isn't really the case, if I'm being honest; just more Freudian logic. If someone has a bad relationship with their father, it doesn't mean they think of all men that way. They might have a fear or waryness of men based on past experiences, or will avoid men who seem like they're up to no good. But someone's experience with men isn't entirely shaped by their father; it's shaped by all the men they've met and interacted with.


bigdickwarrior t1_j6c0m93 wrote

Yaaa no shit but if your father was around at childhood he mounded a lot of subconscious decisions you make


DeterminedTaurus t1_j6c3nip wrote

Horrible relationship with my pos dad and I’m a great partner, so no.


Eifuku2003 t1_j67t1kp wrote

Since OP does not seem to be inclined to elaborate. I believe he thinks that through some evolutionary psychological mechanism men will take you more "seriously."

(Not agreeing with this, just trying to help)


EnjoysYelling t1_j67v42v wrote

Definitely NOT what OP thinks.

OP thinks that this will help ward off predatory men.

Some men subscribe to the notion that women without their fathers in their lives have weaker boundaries with men and/or are unconsciously seeking their father’s approval in their relationships.

OP thinks that demonstrating a positive relationship with your father will signal to these kinds of men that you are a “harder target” and not worth pursuing.

OP has yet to realize that actually having and maintaining boundaries long enough to build trust is the real solution to this problem.


antil0l t1_j69af6n wrote

if you think about it, you just said the exact same thing as the other comment but longer


obnoxiousab t1_j69af2v wrote

I love LPTs where the OP gives zero explanation as to why it’s an LPT, how it could help, etc.


sleeplessjade t1_j675jba wrote

Do you think men should have pictures with their mothers showing they’re proud of them?!


Efficient_Sector_870 t1_j674m3q wrote

I don't think women need help on dating apps.


Lord_of_the_THOTS OP t1_j67prln wrote

A good profile will increase the quality of the matches and the comcersations. Getting likes doesnt mean shit if they dont see you as relationship material.


speckledpumpkinn t1_j68g4zl wrote

You seem to viewing this from the assumption that all women in dating apps are looking for a relationship. Women like having casual sex, too.


nofatchicks22 t1_j6abkqs wrote

Are you going to elaborate as to why you think women should do this?


chijrt t1_j675w2f wrote

What's your next tip? Have your dad tuck you and your boyfriend in every night?


beaverbait t1_j677jmy wrote

That sounds kind of nice. Nobody ever tucks me in anymore.


Teh_Beavs t1_j68em0g wrote

I’ll tuck you in (apparently your name worked)


victoriaa- t1_j6869ga wrote

What in the cel?

This is some gross sexism. It’s like you need some weird approval from another man and your too lazy to get to know someone yourself. Can we stop attaching a women’s value to other men?


BAustinCeltic t1_j688eff wrote

Wait am I in r/shittylifeprotips ?


[deleted] t1_j68cq4u wrote

So basically what you are saying is that men will respect me more if it seems like my own father does? This is just another instance of men not respecting women. It happens all the time. I don't know how many times I asked my maintenance guy to fix my outside light because I'm a single woman and I come home by myself sometimes at night. It didn't happen for months. Same maintenance guy came over a couple weeks ago and I mentioned that my grown son was really worried about me because the light isn't working yet and guess what? Light was fixed in 20 minutes. Some men care about what other men think, even when they aren't present, more than actually respecting a woman or treating her like a human being on her own. Sad.


justafreespirithere t1_j67bc9f wrote

False you only need to see me and my mother to know I age well.


Oudeis16 t1_j6885nf wrote

This reads like you personally have a specific fetish you're hoping to satisfy more.


Robozomb t1_j68b35r wrote

Thanks for your input Lord of the Thots


recjus85 t1_j697ixe wrote

Probably the dumbest LPT I've seen on here. And that's sad..


MizTheWitWiz t1_j67hpl3 wrote



“Are you proud of me now daddy?!”


No_more_Whippits4u t1_j69xz40 wrote

This should be posted in r/ShittyLifeProTips


lavasca t1_j6brpgn wrote

Good on you for identifying the best cross posting opportunity ever. :)


lilyraine-jackson t1_j6afqj0 wrote

Why do you think everyone just has a photo like that lmfao what


kupoface t1_j6al8qs wrote

I've been messaged by a ton of guys in pics with their moms looking proud of them, and then they proceeded to tell me about their penis size and sexually harassing me, but they were just joking so it's okay.


bigcup321 t1_j6bm266 wrote

I'm not familiar with this kink.


Ok-Factor2361 t1_j6blbqx wrote

Why would I put extra identifying information in my dating profile? Like ever?


keepthetips t1_j674bq5 wrote

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Please help us decide if this post is a good fit for the subreddit by up or downvoting this comment.

If you think that this is great advice to improve your life, please upvote. If you think this doesn't help you in any way, please downvote. If you don't care, leave it for the others to decide.


Karnezar t1_j68a2ec wrote

I wonder if this post is a social experiment to see how people make assumptions based on limited context.


speckledpumpkinn t1_j68h1zz wrote

the assumption here being that women are on dating apps solely to find a husband. People can't fathom the idea women might like causal sex


areareputamadre t1_j6bqvpl wrote

Coming from someone who gets facefucked and writes about it online. Where’s your dad at.


dinkyyo t1_j68ihk4 wrote

Efficiently shows the issues she’ll be bringing in to the relationship.


bulgogie_bulldoggie t1_j68otcg wrote

The reason for this (which is genius) is to signal healthy family relationship and upbringing and to ward off products of broken families who are attracted to the likes of themselves


Remarkable-Way4986 t1_j6765hx wrote

Honestly is the best when looking for a potential life partner. A picture of your father scowling with a shot gun will let them know what will happen if they fuck around with your heart. This coming from a father with a daughter.


victoriaa- t1_j686nrw wrote

Taking pictures with your guns as a thinly veiled threat is creepy and cringe as hell, don’t take them out if you aren’t cleaning or shooting it. Shooting accidents happen from people who take them out without purpose or to show off in a picture

Also not having a father doesn’t mean it’s a free pass to fuck with women, maybe she’s armed herself or can protect herself