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Dreunin t1_j55f7tj wrote

Sure, you can do that, but it's still not as fast


CapnHanSolo t1_j560szk wrote

What if I just press ctrl+f on the pdf and use the find bar. Would that work


Bunanuhs t1_j57qgrq wrote

You use the replace function and replace "^p" with a single space.


dubbzy104 t1_j562vix wrote

Probably not. Notepad++ and other text editors look for the new line character “\n”, whereas most pdf search tools will look for the literal characters \ and n


DigitalSteven1 t1_j564f9s wrote

Just a minor correction, the almost universal escape character is a backslash. i.e. it's "\n" rather than "/n."

Windows does some funny stuff in cmd and powershell, being caret (^) and backtick (`). Afaik "/" isn't used anywhere, though.


dubbzy104 t1_j565brs wrote

Gah, you’re right! I blame it on me being on mobile so the key locations are different, and me being sleep deprived. Surely it’s not because I’m a bad programmer…


Old_timey_brain t1_j59v0ar wrote

Are these not simple formatting options we want to get rid of?

I paste into a new email set to plain text, then copy back out.