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NeedlesslySwanky t1_j2bf5c6 wrote

Seriously. OP is completely delusional. "The bad service will continue until tipping improves?" Fuck that, I'll be going literally anywhere else that'll actually deliver what I order without sabotage.

And it's not just delivering cold food, either. OP flippantly gloats about spitting in people's food. During a pandemic.

Serious question. Does anybody know who OP drives for, so we can report them for being a sentient health code violation? My dad is sick with cancer, so immunocompromised. He orders delivery sometimes. If I found out that OP had spit in his food for any reason, there would exist no walls on this earth that would protect OP from my wrath.


flyfly89 t1_j2bfwv1 wrote

Cursory look at his profile says he is looking for a hook up in north Virginia beyond that who knows


PresentAir1133 t1_j2cct7l wrote

Ew, Drivers spit on food? Well that's it for me. Nuking frozen food or geabbingv salads from a bag or box using grocery delivery. Once upon a time I could move around, had a car bought my own groceries and loved to cook. Then everything turned upside down not long after, COVID hit. God, it never occurred to me that someone would spit on my food bc the last delivery went wrong.