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BornAgain20Fifteen t1_j21r2b1 wrote

Reply to comment by stowaway43 in LPT: buy travel insurance by stowaway43

> No need to be snarky and condescending

I am incredibly annoyed by how this post frames buying a particular financial product as the standard way to go and a life pro tip because you felt it has helped you before ("LPT: buy travel insurance" instead "LPT Research if travel insurance might be right for you if you are someone who...<insert specific circumstance that requires insurance>"). And instead of being curious as to how the financial product that you are promoting works and open to learning more about the insurance industry, you just get angry that I pointed out some things I disagree with and that insurance might not be right for everyone for the following reasons. The willful ignorance and arrogance here


[deleted] t1_j21yy20 wrote



stowaway43 OP t1_j21zzay wrote

I recognize the snarkiness in my comment, couldn't help it (which is why I wasn't going to continue the conversation)