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niplayer t1_j1yb8ya wrote

My sneezing around my partner’s dog causes her dog to freak out. Head shoots up in the air and staring at me to see my next move, like she’s (dog) on edge. She also reacts similarly to my yawns.


denimpanzer t1_j1zc4y4 wrote

Yep! Similar to slow blinking for cats, dogs use yawns and sneezes to communicate that they’re friendly/want to play. She’s probably waiting on you to start acting like a maniac so she too can act like a maniac.


focus503 t1_j22dq3q wrote

My dog uses sneezes to vote that I should share my food with him.


jsmoo68 t1_j22ik93 wrote

My dog frequently sneezes at me when I’m putting his wet food in his bowl. 🤷🏻‍♀️


hsvsunshyn t1_j20bsek wrote

Try doing a small sharp exhale while squinting your eyes and shaking your head side-to-side once or twice. (Kind of like what you would do if you just walked through a swarm of gnats and you think one might have gotten in your nose.)

If you are a full-body sneezer, the dog might think that something bigger is going on when you sneeze. What I described above is much more subtle, and easier to control/adjust to communicate with the dog, without startling or exciting it.


Lemongrass_Rainwater t1_j20t267 wrote

My fake sneezes didn’t work for my dog until now. Wow that’s crazy. Now I can play with her other than chasing


kellatina t1_j21tcay wrote

My husband sneezing will also freak out our dog he will go in an alert position & then hide, climb on me or run to his crate.


Bliss149 t1_j22eort wrote

My ex sneezed so freaking LOUD - always startled everyone in the house.