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FrankenBeanTheGreat t1_ixu93y6 wrote

Don't do this. If she has given you a wrong number it means she didn't want to be contacted by you and probably doesn't feel safe around you.

She would know she gave you the right number or the wrong one. She would also know this trick.

If she gave you a wrong number and you do this, she's at risk because the sort of men who use this trick aren't the sort of men who tend to react well to rejection. She'll know the number she gave you is different by a digit.

Just take the number, if it turns out to be not her number just roll with it. Accept that she didn't want to give you her number. Maybe she has a partner, maybe she's gay, maybe she's just not interested in you or maybe she didn't want to be cold approached. There is a wide variety of reasons why so many women don't want to just give you their phone number. The point is most women have been in a situation where they do give the reason politely and are ignored or feel threatened.

By checking for verification, the best turn out for you is you feel validated and liked back. The worst for you is a. She corrects the number but it turns out it is a false number she has memorised for this situation, you go away believing she likes you and then realise she didn't. Or, she doesn't correct you and you know she isn't interested. 2 out of 3 of those situations is a negative result for you but 1 of those two has you realise she isn't interested while she is still there and your next actions impact her.

For her, best case scenario is she is interested and is happy to give you her number. You deliberately checking the number will be obvious to her in most cases and for most people it says "I am a guy who insists on checking a woman is interested through tricks so I know immediately. I probably ask for people's numbers a lot and have been given a wrong number." For most women, that reduces her interest even if she started out interested. Worst case scenario for her is she wants to get away from you and giving a number is the easiest way to get away without you pursuing. You check it. She knows she was clear. She knows you are trying to trip her up. She is stuck either correcting the false number she gave and making you believe she's interested which is likely to prompt a more violent reaction the next time you meet if this is a local place for her, or she has to say yes, that's correct, knowing it is probably a trap. Facing it now if you have an outburst. Telling you you weren't taking no for an answer and that she just wanted to leave. She has to hope you don't react violently but the alternative is feeling like she can't return to this location in case she bumps into you.


Goblinstomper t1_ixu8fsm wrote

Or.... Just use the number she gave. If it's wrong, just accept it and move on.

Usually giving a wrong number out was deliberate, mostly to deal with persistent dickheads.


[deleted] OP t1_ixu8jkv wrote



Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_ixu9dfu wrote

Yeah, but if you're a "dickhead" and she gave you a fake number...

Don't quiz women about shit like that, because it makes you a dickhead.

Give her your number. If she likes you. She'll get ahold of you.


Nevermind OP is a woman trying to get people to buy her nudes. Or considering their comments, an incel selling some woman's nudes while pretending to be her.

Either way, just down vote and move on


[deleted] OP t1_ixu9fro wrote



Liv-N-Lrn t1_ixuatds wrote

But, you are missing the point. The recipient doesn't know and shouldn't assume the number is correct or incorrect, just that it's what was offered. Your scenario assumes a correct number given, everytime, which is unrealistic. And, in the situation where a woman is just trying to get a guy to go away, puts her into further awkwardness. If she realizes what he's doing, it will just make the situation creepier and more uncomfortable for her. To be honest, as a man, I am amazed that we are having to point this out to a woman.


Mike_hawk5959 t1_ixubark wrote

This needs to be in Shitty Life Pro tips for neckbeards.


sambargold t1_ixubgnx wrote

Nah lol sorry I’d rather take my chances, if it’s fake , it is what it is then


keepthetips t1_ixu7fy9 wrote

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