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reimancts t1_ixv1q1c wrote

Prime.. these trays are so cheap and easy to get any more. Here is a life pro tip for you. Whenever you donate something, consider any garbage you donate gets thrown away and the organization has to pay to get rid of the trash. You add needless cost to something that is supposed to be charity.

It's the same thing with "clothing" drop boxes. It says right on every box, "clothing only" yet people leave baby toys, high chairs, he'll I have seen old paint cans. They do nothing with anything other than the clothes. Everything else has to go in the trash. So again the charitable organization has to pay to get rid of other people's trash they should have thrown away in the first place.

People often feel like it's a waste to throw it away, and feel like they are helping by donating it, but your causimg cost to the organization and taking away resources which could be used to actually help people.

Then there is recycling. There is so much plastic that cannot be recycled. People look at the 3 arrow symbol with a number and thing that means recyclable. No. The plastics industry made their own symbol that looks like a recycling symbol with a number which only designates the type of plastic. They did this so people think they are buying recyclable plastic when they may not be. My wife would put every kind of plastic in the recyclables. I would keep pulling out the stuff they don't recycle. And she would say, but it has the recycle symbol and she would say she feels like she is putting plastic into the land fill if she doesn't put it in the recycle bin. It took years to convince her that not only is it ending up in the land fill any way, but she is adding cost to recycling.